Understanding Why the Highest Offer Isn’t Always the Best One When Selling Your Home

by | Jun 30, 2017 | Home Seller Tips

Understanding Why the Highest Offer Isn't Always the Best One When Selling Your HomeWhen it comes to the real estate market, nothing is better than putting your home up for sale and finding a potential homebuyer who offers you the price you’re looking for. However, while the right offer is ideal, there are a lot of things that may come along with a high offer that may be less than perfect. If you’re wondering what kinds of things can hamper a good offer, you may want to watch out for the following.

What’s The Timeline?

If you’re almost packed and you’re prepared to go, there won’t necessarily be any inconvenience in dealing with a 30-day closing period. However, if you’re not quite ready to move, having to close quickly can add a lot of pressure to a stressful situation. While it may be do-able to make the arrangements to move in a short amount of time, if it’s not the way you want to leave your old house and move on, you may want to go with a more flexible offer.

The Details On Cash

The right price is indeed a good offer, but when it comes to homebuyers who can pay with cash, there’s a lot less to worry about on the back end. As a result, cash can easily trump many other offers for the convenience of not having to deal with lenders or many other factors involved in closing the purchase. While it might not seem like most people have the available cash on hand, cash purchases on real estate are becoming more common, and with less complication, they can be more enticing.

Are There Contingencies?

If you’re experiencing a bidding war with your home, it’s important to look at all the details of the offers and ascertain which one can best be relied upon. That’s why it’s important to look at any contingencies on the home sale that may have to do with the financing, appraisal or inspection. An offer may be more than a little striking at the start, but if there are a lot of strings attached, there may be a bidder with a lower offer who’s less likely to back out.

It’s easy to get snared by the highest offer when selling your home, but it’s important to be aware of your timeline and any contingencies before accepting an offer. If you’re currently preparing to put your home on the market, contact your local real estate professional for more information.
